Tag Archives: information

Use Association Tecniques to Improve Memory

Maybe you are a bit doubtful in using association as a memory technique that you have learned from books or online websites. You might not believe that it is important that every time you need to memorize certain information you need to create funny or silly association between two pieces of data. This method is proven effective, and it is also employed by psychologists who are experts in studying human memory. Memory works effectively through association, and we are simply expanding of this information to help us […]

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How to Improve Memory and Ace an Exam

Using peg words in helping us to remember needed information is a good method. However, one thing that we must be careful when we use this method is confusion. When we use the same words in memorizing things, there is a large possibility of confusion. For instance, if you will memorize a roster of countries and their currencies on peg words, then you memorize the US states on the same peg, you might have the chance of recalling that Florida is the Capital of Mongolia. Avoiding confusion […]

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How Can You Improve Memory

We recall things through memory association. Every piece of data in our brain is associated to other pieces of data in a way. For instance, if you have given the word “banana“, what comes into your mind? Maybe something like: Banana: yellow, elongated, sweet, monkey, fruit However, it is very unlikely that we might see “banana” and think of “coconut” unless of course if you recall something humorous in which an elephant looks like a banana. If you are asked what is the third letter of the […]

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