Author Archives: Dominic

Use Association Tecniques to Improve Memory

Maybe you are a bit doubtful in using association as a memory technique that you have learned from books or online websites. You might not believe that it is important that every time you need to memorize certain information you need to create funny or silly association between two pieces of data. This method is proven effective, and it is also employed by psychologists who are experts in studying human memory. Memory works effectively through association, and we are simply expanding of this information to help us […]

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Small Things You Can Do to Improve Memory

Memory failure, memory losses, memory impairment and other words for memory problems are all varied. But the root of the matter is that, there is only one cause to all of these memory issues and that is the fact that happens when we are not able to recall a certain thing, idea, name or event any longer. When a person starts to feel that memory problems are occurring and starting to surface, it’s time to take heed and get a general round-up check of which matters most […]

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Improve Memory With Simple Techniques

Improve memory easily? Yes, there really are some simple techniques, and you can start using them right now. Here are a few to get you started. 1. Tell yourself to remember. When you first learn a person’s name, for example, tell yourself, “remember that”. This signals your unconscious mind to rank this input higher in importance. 2. Know why you want to remember something. For example, to remember a person, think about how that person will be important to you in the future. If you want to […]

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Improve Memory Tips

This article will review the use and potential of using mnemonics tactics to increase and improve memory capabilities and better memory in general. In many studies it has been shown that mnemonics have three fundamental principles underlying the use of mnemonics are imagination, association and location. By using mnemonics there is a good chance of improving your memory. These three principals, association, imagination and location can be brought to work together, and you can use these principles to generate powerful mnemonic systems. Working together, the principals of […]

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How to Improve Memory and Remember Peoples’ Name

In order to remember the name of a certain person, you need to add variation to an existing method that you use to recall information for an exam or to retain the telephone number of your mom. If you are really serious in getting on the top of remembering people’s name and also to improve your memory and increase your brain’s capacity to recall information, you can do the following methods: 1. Face Relation This method is a slight variation of the Link Method. The Link Method […]

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How to Improve Memory and Recall Lists

Suppose you need to shop for groceries and you need the following food: Eggs Bread Bacon Cheese Milk How can you remember this list without writing it down in a piece of paper? For short lists of different objects, the most effective method of recalling objects is to associate the words and combine them to create a chain such as: Eggs-Bread-Bacon-Cheese-Milk Then, visualize some funny story in your mind so that the items on the list will be linked together. As an example, picture yourself entering the […]

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How to Improve Memory and Ace an Exam

An improved memory is very important if you want to ace an exam, which can really help you be at the top of your class. Remember that there are different kinds of exam and each needs a proper memory technique so that you can answer the questions or supply the proper answers to a certain exam. Essay exams can be answered in your own words, and sometimes in your own views. However, essay answers that are based on concrete facts that are evidently from the lessons that […]

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How to Improve Memory and Ace an Exam

Using peg words in helping us to remember needed information is a good method. However, one thing that we must be careful when we use this method is confusion. When we use the same words in memorizing things, there is a large possibility of confusion. For instance, if you will memorize a roster of countries and their currencies on peg words, then you memorize the US states on the same peg, you might have the chance of recalling that Florida is the Capital of Mongolia. Avoiding confusion […]

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How Can You Improve Memory

We recall things through memory association. Every piece of data in our brain is associated to other pieces of data in a way. For instance, if you have given the word “banana“, what comes into your mind? Maybe something like: Banana: yellow, elongated, sweet, monkey, fruit However, it is very unlikely that we might see “banana” and think of “coconut” unless of course if you recall something humorous in which an elephant looks like a banana. If you are asked what is the third letter of the […]

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Healthy Habits to Improve Memory

A good memory is essential for everyone. From schooling to the later stage of life, having a sharp memory will give a lot of benefits. There are some simple things that you can do to improve your memory. Remember that the brain is also composed of brain cells and neurons that need to be nourished with natural nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. If you really want to improve and sharpen your memory, you can do simple healthy habits that are quite easy to memorize. Here are the healthy […]

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